“Angel Circles - The Departure Collection - Volume III”
Man the world seems crazy right now. Ok, maybe it is mostly the United States that seems to be out of control at the moment. Yes, we have some serious issues at hand right now that are creating a lot of stress for a lot of people. If I were to wage a bet, I would up the pot that the majority of us are feeling a higher level of stress and anxiety than ever before. I know that I myself am not immune to this because I am feeling it too. Creatives and healers have a tendency to be more susceptible to reacting to strong energies which makes this particular moment in time a bit more challenging to navigate for many.
How do we cope through all that is happening? How do you cope with the multitude of stresses born from the ongoing pandemic and related financial and economic pressures, the political divide and strife created by our waring party extremists, the rise and direct exposure of white supremacy and black suppression? The statistics show that Americans are leading an increased sedentary life, drinking significantly more, and spending more screen time with the television and their social media presence. These activities may help to make us feel better for a short moment, but they do nothing to help mitigate our stress and anxiety. In fact, so often what we reach for in terms of release or escape will actually make our problems much worse.
Studies have also proven that time spent outdoors in the natural environment relieves stress and anxiety. The relaxing of the mind and body begins immediately with positive effects lasting for many hours and days afterwards. There is a powerful sensation that I personally receive with each foot step that I place on a trail, with each turn of the crank on a winding single track, or simply sitting on a riverbank listening to the water flow and the birds carrying on their discussions through the trees. Ever since being a child I have spent my life outdoors. I yearn for it. If too many days pass where I find myself cycling through the daily grind of work and life that captures me between commuting to job sites, working the job, house chores and related responsibilities, I will start jonesing for some nature time. Absolutely nothing else is an adequate substitute. I have learned that when I am balanced with enough physical exercise, exploration and exposure to the nature environment I spend less time with scrolling through social media feeds, watching television or picking up another drink from the bottle. I feel better in my mind when nature is integrated into my life, and when I feel better in my mind, I feel better in my body as well.
My wife and I took a hike up Crabtree Falls in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia last weekend. We were a creative and a healer on a mission together to spend the day in our wonderful and beautiful natural environment to receive the positive vibration and energy that only Mother Earth can provide. We left our warm home in the city that was going to reach a nice high of 55 degrees to spend an afternoon at 32 degrees with a slight breeze and frozen water mist. We hiked a short 1.7 miles to the top of the trail and then an equal distance back down again. The sun set just as we reached our car and we were both freezing cold with fingers that had all feeling evaporate from them. We had cold ears and runny noses and were ready for another snack to eat. We also both felt incredibly good. Our minds were clear and our hearts were light. Our day hiking the falls through the beauty of nature restored our level of Chi energy that had waned during the course of the preceding week’s work and life grind. We drove home feeling balanced and invigorated, ready to embrace the week ahead. I believe that we retired for the night around 8:30 pm that evening feeling deliciously exhausted in the best manner.
During that hike I created a total of ten new artworks that are now a part of the Departure Collection of Abstract Photography. These works were added to the Volume III and Tree Studies Galleries. The image featured at the top of this post, “Angel Circles” captures the defining purpose and moment of our day perfectly. If it is God’s intention for us to be happy, that happiness we must create on our own. We will get signs along our way to let us know if we are going in the right direction. I could not imagine a more direct sign than angels dancing in the waterfall.
The beauty of our natural environment is always there for us as long as we respect it and take care of it. It is what we all need right now. I encourage you to introduce some nature into your life if you are not doing so already. I would love to hear how you feel after a nice hike, mountain bike ride, or a river walk. Like I always say, “go outside and play”!